
New (Year's) Snaps!

Here we go... the landmark first NEW SNAPS of Aught-Six!

Fitting, it arrives an entire week after I promise to get some things going here at NTG. The status update: HAL9000 is still in hibernation. My computer guru Drew (A.K.A. Lord Chauncery) did, however, inform me that the new hard drive has been installed and he's working to get it back to me ASAP, which should be this weekend. That really has been the biggest hurdle to me getting going.

But enough of all this talk... let's get to some snaps! Surprisingly, I felt little if any drive to take many pictures while I was home for the Christmas vacation, and I didn't take a single picture of my enjoyable and thankfully low-key New Year's Eve. This is in stark contrast to how NEW YEAR'S 2005 wound up, which was anything but low-key.

Yeesh. So much Guinness. And thankfully I've shaped up since then.

So, kick back with some tea & honey, and bask in what you've been missing so much... Nothing.

Terribly Grandiose, that is...


The Budget DVD

At long last, the highly-anticipated DVD compendium of six years of Budget Productions greatness (?) has been completed! Those in the know have been awaiting this for years. For those not in the know, Budget is the production company I helped to found in 1996 along with a host of shady characters. Five such characters (myself included) gathered on the first night of the Christmas holiday weekend for a gargantuan Chinese dinner, followed by an invitation-only midnight viewing in the top-secret offices of Laurell Technologies.

[L-R: Daktari, TOKA, JMP, Shiek(h) Hobart, Lonwel Alvier]

Much Yuengling was consumed.


Christmas Morning

I'm a sucker for Christmas. That's all I'll say.


New Year's Day

New Year's Eve, Cory and I hit up some local spots, settling in for midnight at Camaradas. They had a champagne toast and I kissed some blond woman at midnight. Again, much Guinness was consumed as well. That next day we hit up the best breakfast spot in East Harlem, then lazily played chess and drank tea. And in Pisch family tradition, I burned a Bayberry candle all day. It brings good spirits to the coming year.


Now, don't think that because I'm forever whining about not having a home computer that I've been doing absolutely nothing NTG-related... I have been painstakingly poring over the photo archives, and am currently in the "winnowing-down" process for the GRANDIOSE FAVORITES OF 2005! Yes, I'm going to follow through on this, and yes they'll be an awesome retrospective of the year that was. PLUS, I'm working on a recap of said year, which will be entertaining to myself and few others. Like NTG in general. And life overall.

A little side note: if you haven't yet, see A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE. And yes, I'm aware that it has been in theaters for several months now. What can I say. I'm a little BE-HIND THE TIMES.

So, it's all sunshine here, as usual. Keep up with the Nothing!


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