
The NTG Christmas Hiatus!

Ahhhh, it feels good to be posting again!

With that, I'm here to announce our official hiatus!

Yes, it's true, things have been batshit around here, and I haven't been able to post with nearly the regularity that I like to. I am still collecting new snaps and observing the world around me and doing all the other things that informed my posts here on NTG, but I just haven't had the time or focus to direct it all into written form. And just like I knew that old-ass dude at the very end of Aeon Flux would say (by the way, I saw Aeon Flux this weekend and found it unsurprisingly predictable):

"I'm tired."

So I'm rounding out this week by taking it easy (work should be cake, and with the transit strike I doubt I'll be getting around town much) and then leaving on Friday for the greener pastures of Blue Bell. Christmas at my house should be very chill, and that's exactly what I want. The past few times I've made it out of New York, I haven't felt too able to relax, so weekends intended to be therapeutic respites from the city's crushing schizophrenia didn't exactly pan out that way. I'm planning on changing all that with this trip.

This will likely be the final post until 2006 (and while I mean no offense to those readers who don't celebrate, or simply don't like, Christmas, I'm still calling it a Christmas Hiatus... my blog, my holiday!), but I'm hoping to start the year off with a bang. I'll DEFINITELY be coming back with snaps, and I'm also in the process of compiling the Grandiose Favorites of 2005, a snap-rospective of the year that will soon depart. Plus, I'm always willing to hear some ideas for new features (with only two games left on the Eagles schedule, the Eagles Pic Of The Week will be sailing off into the sunset until October or so), so please feel free to hit me up on the comment board or via email at NTG_MAIL@yahoo.com with any and all suggestions.

We here at Nothing Terribly Grandiose would like to wish you all a safe, happy, healthy holiday season. 2005 was a great year. 2006 will be even better.

Stay Inspired,



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