
Am I Alone In Not Giving A Shit About The Oscars?

Seriously, this farce of a ceremony couldn't have been any farther off my radar this year. Or for the past three years, for that matter.

I'd be hard-pressed to name 5 movies that were in the running, for ANY category. The ones that I can name, I either had no interest in seeing, or saw and didn't like, or attempted to watch and gave up after 20 minutes. And I'm not a half-assed movie watcher, so I have to take that to mean that the current crop of bloated epics wasn't worth my time anyway. There are a few that I'm sure I'll catch in retrospect, but the idea of sitting through Hollywood's 4-hour, self-congratulatory jerk-off session is akin to oral surgery.

So, here's my short list of films that actually meant shit to me this year. Cook up some popcorn, and enjoy!



Batman Begins

I've already dedicated enough space on NTG to praising this film, but it was my hands down favorite for 2005.


Kung Fu Hustle - Essentially a martial-arts-meets-Looney-Tunes mash-up (and how can I NOT love that combination?), this film is relentlessly entertaining and surprisingly tender. Stephen Chow has proven himself to be an actor/director of precise vision and sharp comic timing.

A History of Violence - The final shot of David Cronenberg's near-masterpiece - Viggo Mortensen's strained face, imploring silently of his family, "So what do we do now?" - perfectly sums up the entire film. See it. Just see it.

The Aristocrats - It's hard to imagine a single joke stretched into a feature-length documentary being this entertaining, but given the abundantly funny cast and over-the-top vulgarity, I can't recall laughing much harder at anything else all year.

Mr & Mrs. Smith - This is my guilty-pleasure pick of the year, a movie that I expected (and honestly, kind of wanted) to like much less than I did. But you can't argue with the formula: two very charismatic stars, a funny and sharp script, lots of things blowing up, and a touch of heart.


Wedding Crashers
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Ong Bak: Thai Warrior
Sin City


Never hesitate to comment!


Blogger JMP said...

I thought the son's performance was a tad over-wraught. That's it, though.

3/07/2006 9:53 AM  
Blogger heather said...

i must commend you; mr. and mrs. smith was the best movie i've seen in a long time. however, the only vote wedding crashers gets from me is for 'most likely to bore you into paralysis. and take a really long time doing it.'
not that you asked for my opinion. . though i guess you did, when you said, 'never hesitate to comment.'

3/08/2006 4:05 PM  
Blogger JMP said...

I figured you'd agree with my Mr & Mrs. Smith choice ;)

On the topic of Wedding Crashers, I must agree that it was at least a half hour too long, which is why it only gets an Honorable Mention. But along with The Aristocrats it was one of the funniest movies I saw all year.

Thanks for commenting! And yes, please never hesitate!

3/08/2006 4:32 PM  
Blogger Jon said...

obviously someone missed Aeon Flux

3/10/2006 12:56 AM  
Blogger JMP said...

No, I did see Aeon Flux, and while Charlize and her outfits could get the Best Masturbation Fodder of the Year Award, the movie itself was lackluster.

Or were you being sarcastic, dude?

3/10/2006 2:21 PM  

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