
Eagles Pic Of The Week

Ahhh... I feel better. A hell of a lot better than I did yesterday. Seems like all it took was a half-decent night's sleep*, a bacon-and-egg on everything bagel for breakfast, and the sight of Eagles cheerleaders. I was reading last night in The Great Philadelphia Fanbook (along with how the Philly fans at Franklin Field pelted Santa Claus with snowballs at a particularly dismal 1968 game... which in a way, makes me so proud to be from Philly!) that the cheerleaders used to be called "Eagl-ettes." Fascinating.

* - I think my apartment has a life and will all its own, and with everything in its power it is trying to piss me off. After this weekend (and all its self-destructiveness... what can I say, I'm a masochist, and anyway the parties were fun), plus working a shoot on Sunday afternoon, all I wanted was a good night of sleep. I would have been in a much better mood yesterday had I gotten one. But my radiator decided to start rattling and banging, VERY loudly, around 1:30 and not stop until around 5. How nice of her (yes, the radiator is female... I daresay the whole apartment is female, which would explain why it's aiming to piss me off for no reason whatsoever). So yesterday when I got home, the radiator was silent, and I was happy. I flipped on the hall light, and got no response. Same with my bedroom. Then I noticed the fishtank filter was not running, no light was on. Turns out half of the apartment had no power. I called the super, got no response, and still did not have power this morning. Something is odd with the wiring, because ONE outlet in my room actually works, so I have everything plugged into that. And I checked every fuse, they're all fine.

So I'm at a loss, but I'm just glad I feel better. Yesterday was one of those "I hate life" kind of days, where you don't want to be alone, but you can't stand to be around other people. But hey, it's Tuesday, and I have Karate tonight.

And the Eagles cheerleaders are amassing in the East.

All is right with the world.


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