
The Blizzard of '06

Up until three days ago, I heard a fair amount of talk about what a mild winter we're having. Rather, were having. Seems Mother Nature decided to respond to all that talk with a 26.9 inch Valentine's Day present. And that's terrifying on more than one level.

Most people, when they hear a blizzard is coming, stock up on groceries and supplies, and plan to hole up for a day or so, stay warm and cozy. I figured Saturday afternoon was as good a time as any to walk around the park for a good couple hours, Zeppelin blaring in my ears (yep... still on the binge, although it is waning a little). It had been awhile since I had done a nomadic photo walk, and the very early stages of a blizzard seemed as good a reason as any to change that. I think I weakened my immune system, but it was worth it. I'm bound to get a cold soon anyway.

Here are a few of my favorites from the day...



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