
Eagles Pic Of The Week

Yeah, I'm continuing this Pic Of The Week thing through the off-season, at least thus far. Apparently, the Eagles cheerleaders went to meet Chef Joseph Poon at his Philadelphia eatery. There were only 9 pics posted on Eagles.com. A photo essay involving the Eagles cheerleaders and the word "poon," and they post only 9 pics, and THAT'S the best one? Sad. I guess I'm left to use my imagination.


As for the Bowl this year, between Pittsburgh and Seattle, I am pulling for my home state of PA. I associate with them as a team much more. Plus, let's not forget my animosity toward Seattle fans, as a result of that one trip to Town Tavern...

Now, my friend Matt asked if I could include a "Pittsburgh Steelers Pic Of The Week" as a birthday favor. I am sorry to say, I can most certainly not do this. I cannot, in good conscience, bestow such an honor on any football team other than the Eagles. Apologies, Matt. I will, however, include THIS RATHER BIZARRE STORY from a Pittsburgh suburb, courtesy of Deadspin.com. Plus, I have already voiced my support for Pittsburgh on Super Sunday. I hope this shall suffice, Matt. Happy birthday, and since there's no possible way the Eagles could crash the Bowl, I shall say...


[To Steve May: make that "GO STILLERS!"]


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