
New Snaps - 100th Post Edition!

Yes indeedy...

It's the return of everyone's favorite NTG feature, serving to commemorate our 100th missive in this time-honoured tome known as Intercybernetterwebia...land.

As usual, I need to extemporaneously babble for a moment before we get on to the snaps... 'cause that's just what I do. Babble. Zack and I were on our way to the Super Bowl bash the other night (which was a fantastic time, and many thanks go to the inimitable Michelle Rowley for her hospitality), when we passed a parked car with a dreamcatcher hanging from the rearview mirror. Now, it's been awhile since that Native American Studies class I took sophomore year of college, and I'm by no means an encyclopedist. But I DO know that the primary purpose of a dreamcatcher is to filter a sleeper's dreams, catching the nightmares in the webbing and allowing the good dreams to pass unabated into the sleeper's consciousness.

So... I can't help but wonder if the owner of that car actually sleeps there, or just doesn't know exactly what he (or she) has hanging from the mirror. Seems a little incongruous to me. Maybe it's simply an aesthetic thing. And really, who am I to judge?

Alright, enough of my pedantic asshole-itude. Time for what we're all here for: snaps. Isn't that the reason any of us is on this planet? I just steeped a nice cup of decaf Earl Grey... It eases my mind...


Good Morning, 2006

I'm naming this one the official first photo of 2006. It's my bathroom ceiling, and apparently at some point on New Years Eve/Day, I snapped it. Should auld acquaintance be forgot...



...so apparently Chase's latest strategy to lure customers is placing giant balloon phallic symbols in their bank lobbies. I wonder how that's working out for them...


Self Portrait

Isn't boredom wonderful? This is a painting I have in my room, my parents gave it to me when I was about 14. Naturally, it stemmed from my rabid infatuation. These days, I'm believing more and more that I must have been a shark in a previous life. And THIS caught my eye the other day...


Monday Night Outing

During that batshit-crazy Monday night bender my co-workers and I went on, we ducked into a photo booth in one of our selected watering holes. Naturally, I pulled out Pentax and started shooting aimlessly, and this is one of the results.

[Clockwise from Top Left: Cliff, Andrea's nose and mouth, Mishel, Paula, JMP. Not pictured, as he's somewhere beneath the pile-on: Jared.]

And then on the delirious cabride home, I snapped these... They sort of paint a picture of the night as a whole.


Bored Editor + New Room = SNAPS

We've been moving furniture at work, and my editing room got shifted across the office into a much larger (but sadly windowless) space, known as Room C. I like my new terminal quite a bit...

And since I've had a glut of down time, I figured I'd have some fun with Pentax's self-timer.


Alright kids... when you see the fifteen asterisks, it means it's time to wrap up this burrito called life and take a bite. Thanks for making it through 100 posts, thousands of pictures, and way too much of me using forced metaphors linking life and Spanish foods. And thanks for giving me a reason to actually care about this little blog of mine. I'm thankful for every reader who stops in to check it out, so whether this is your first visit, last visit, or anywhere in between, know that you have my gratitude.

Keep it Grandiose!

Or don't... Whichever you're feeling.


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