
New Snaps 02.15.06

Back up in ya ass with the resurrection! Of New Snaps, that is...

Here I sit with my tea, doing some extremely mundane AfterEffects renders. Add to render queue, fix the settings, render for 15 minutes or so, slide the work area down about a minute, and repeat. For about 40 minutes of footage. Yeesh.

The benefit is that I've got ample time today, which is nice. I've begun working a daily sudoku into my morning routine, something to get the ol' brain kicking. This morning's was a Brown Belt, the first I've completed. I'm definitely getting quicker at them, and I'm most certainly becoming addicted. Sudoku is one in a long line of puzzles I'm into, but it seems like they never co-exist. I'll do a cryptogram a day for a few weeks, then switch to crosswords, then sudoku, then take a break altogether... it all kind of depends where my mind is, and right now I think I'm craving logic and reason, 'cause there isn't a whole lot of that going on right now. Shit's been sort of weird lately.

But that hasn't stopped me from Snappin'. These are from the day of my blizzard walk, although they don't look particularly snowy, so it felt fraudulent to include them in that post.

Enjoy... I'm gonna go eat an apple.


The Toy Graveyard

Such a bizarre image... This backyard is in my neighborhood, somewhere around 113th Street. I don't think there's anything else to even say about it.

Wise Words

I wonder if the person who scrawled this will come back and update it with a "Cheney hunting accident" comment...


This is one of many De La Vega creations peppering the neighborhood.

Maybe It's Just the Zeppelin...

I've always liked the way giant, faceless structures surround the pastoral beauty that is Central Park (and yes, I'm aware of the irony that that pastoral beauty was constructed by man, just like said faceless structures). It makes me think of the back cover of Led Zeppelin IV. You can always blame it on the Zeppelin...


On the arched walkway near the little stone courtyard where I sometimes do Karate, there are these dials commemorating the original 13 colonies. Here I am, representin' PA. Word.

Tree Face

I see faces everywhere... Part of me thinks they are spirits making contact with us from other ethereal plains. Again, the Zeppelin...

Elven Bridge

This bridge looks like it could cross a stream in Rivendell. I watched Fellowship of the Ring over the weekend... All part of where my head's been lately...

The Church on 117th Street

I have always liked the way this church looks at night. I took this from the fifth floor of my building.


So that's that. I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day yesterday. I certainly did. Work, Karate, home. Done. I don't do much celebrating on this particular holiday. As a wise man once said: "It's a bunch of corporate BULL, man!"

Hey, we can't all be Delonte West.


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