
Birthday Week '05 - Part III

We got back to the real world Sunday night and decompressed, gearing up for the next big birthday celebration, The Bash.

Wednesday night, my actual birthday, Cait made a cake for Zack (whose birthday was Saturday) and me. It's nice to have a roommate whose birthday is three days away from yours...

And yes, we're both Cait's sons.


And then Friday rolled around...

Memories are hazy at best, so photographs are the best way to recall the night. Here's a snippet of what went on...

Brandon and Russo check out the Love Closet.

That is, The OFFICIAL RON JUSSO Love Closet. Hell yeah.

The illustrious Mr. Jackson, in all his finery.

Now, the plan for this party was to keep it casual, so we established a dress code of strictly jeans, t-shirts, and funky accessories should anyone desire. Zack and I did it up the biggest because we were the hosts. We also devised a series of punishments for those who broke the dress code. First, the offending individual had to immediately do a shot. Then, he/she had to wear our party's mascot, Colby Coxx, The Monstrously Hung Reindeer, for a period of 15 minutes. Some of our victims:



Here are the random people shots:

Russo, Lydia, Cait

Joe, Russo

Cory, Cait

Lydia, Cait

Zack, Lydia

Drew, Jesse, Jared



[* - Belvedere courtesy of Eric and Mary Jackson. Many, many thanks!]

Party People


Joe, John

Haze, Dr. Action

From the fire escape, I snapped this of the Action waste removal company, hard at work.

Now, at some point in the evening, when I was already well on my way to being horizontal, Zack and Cait brought me a shot. Russo was nearby with Pentax, whose shutter was stuck partially closed, hence the diagonal letterbox effect here. It seems fitting though...

To the best of my recollection, in the last photo I'm saying "No more of THAT shit!"

Amusing postscript: while I was shooting vodka, Cait and Zack were shooting Sierra Mist. It was all part of their effort to get me to pass out and take embarrassing photos of me. Such nice friends I have.

More Party People

Even More Party People

Zack and the ladies

Zack and the ladies



I did, in fact, wind up horizontal shortly after that "Let's Put Joe Under" shot, and spent the rest of the bash that way. I foiled the plan to get me to pass out on the floor, but I'm pretty sure there are some "hey, look, Joe's passed out" shots floating around out there somewhere. Anyone who's got them, or pictures of the bash in general, I'd love to see them! Send them my way at NTG_MAIL@yahoo.com.

[Click here to return to PART I or PART II.]


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Blogger Ant said...

Please tell Jackson (or was that T.O.?) that I like the camoflauge t-shirt.

10/04/2005 9:41 PM  
Blogger Zach said...

Wait, am I really T.O.? Could that explain why the summer months have been such a hazy memory? Is that why I keep seeing the name "Drew R." on my incoming calls list? Would that explain my constant urge to put on headphones? Oh no, I think I might be schizophrenic....

Tell Ant I got the camo-shirt for $10 at an outdoor market on Orchard Street...

10/05/2005 10:11 AM  
Blogger JMP said...

Ant - Z got the camo-shirt for $10 at an outdoor market on Orchard Street...

Z - yes, you are in fact T.O. I was trying to find the right time to tell you. It was nice seeing you on Letterman the other night.

NV - you know, the least you could have done was mail me a rubber vagina for my birthday, since your rubber vagina business is obviously doing so well.

10/06/2005 9:41 AM  

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