
It's The Return!

My people!

It's great to be back here at NTG, you were all sorely missed. As I mentioned before the hiatus, two weekends ago was MomVisit 2005, which was followed by a 6-day camping/hiking trip to Maine. I've got LOTS of snaps to share, but they'll take awhile to catalog and organize, so look for some self-indulgently expansive posts this weekend.

But life went on while we were gone, and here's two little nuggets for your Thursday:

Nugget #1 - shortly before I left, Ben introduced me to R. Kelly's latest video endeavor (no, not that one). I'm talking, of course, about his five part epic "Trapped In The Closet." The five chapters of the song are on Kells' new record, TP3 Reloaded, some copies of which come with a DVD featuring this video. I can't even begin to do it justice, but his commitment to absurdist literalism is entirely without irony. I don't know if I can call it "brilliant," but shortly after seeing it, I declared it "the greatest thing I've ever seen, ever." I promptly amended the statement by adding "in the past two weeks."

If you haven't seen it, drop whatever you're doing and watch all five chapters:

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Be advised, it'll take about 20 minutes to watch the whole thing, but it's extremely worth it!

Nugget #2 - In the car on our maiden voyage back to civilization, we heard a brief radio blurb about a human cannonball artist named David Smith Sr., whose latest stunt was becoming the first person to fly from a cannon across the U.S./Mexico border. Why on earth would anyone want to do this? Well, why on earth would anyone allow THIS JACKASS to run an entire planet? The point is, some things just don't make sense. Maybe David Smith Sr. wanted to soar across the border because nobody had done it before. Of course, for this to be part of our collective re-introduction to modern life after a week of foraging for sticks and drinking boiled pond water was a little surreal. Read more about the record-setting feat HERE.


So it's great to be back! Keep your eyes open for more snaps than you could ever care to see within the next couple days. In the meantime, beware of a woman you meet at the club who says her name is Mary. Chances are good she's actually named Kathy and is married to a pastor.


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