
"What Is It?" Contest Results, #2!!!

This was the most successful "What Is It?" contest to date, and the winner izzzzz......

ME! AGAIN! This time around I had no less than FOUR people guessing, but they all guessed the same incorrect guess...my arm. While this is remarkably close to the truth, we here at NTG are all about specificity, and in terms of specificity, the correct answer izzzzz......

MY LEG. And to get even more specific, my LEFT leg (for those of you who guessed my left arm).

So once again, I retain my dollar, but it's inspiring to think that four of you actually took the time to guess... It makes me think I've got a future in low-stakes blog contests (or as I like to call them, blogtests), and that next time, somone might actually win that hard-earned dollar of mine!

So, many thanks to those who participated, and keep your eyes open for future "What Is It?" contests!

Let's get a winner next time!


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