
And The Rockets' Red Glare... Part III


This one wins the award for "Most Apocalyptic."

Again, a Rorshcach test response: this, to me, looks like a muppet-y kind of face, with huge eyes, a round nose, and a small rectangular mouth.

Rorschach again: when I first saw this, I told Zack I thought it looked like Bob Marley's ghost appearing to preach a message of peace to New York. Thanks, Bob!

Amid the "main" presentation, someone sent up this smaller salvo of fireworks. Unlike most smaller side-demonstrations, this one was actually great. The person/people conducting it obviously had at least a basic understanding of pyrotechnics. Oddly enough, a lot of them look vaguely botanical to me...

[Click to check out PART I, PART II, and PART IV. Send these troopseses only.]



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