
Pentax: Resurrected

I had a scare this afternoon...

I was on the phone with my friend Fischer (whose take on life is regularly chronicled HERE), we were discussing general nonsense. I was fiddling with my camera, getting ready to snap a new photo for the NTG masthead, and it slipped off my lap.

My heart stopped as it crashed to the floor and I saw parts scatter. I immediately thought the worst: My camera is dead. I now have no camera. Nor do I have money for another one.

After the initial moment of panic and under-my-breath swearing, I surveyed the damage. It turns out the most broken part was the extendable lens casing, the lens itself was (thankfully) not broken or scratched. I picked up the tiny lens cover pieces, and set to reconstructing the thing.

Thanks to my Swiss army knife tweezers and my dogged stubbornness, I pieced it back together. Astoundingly, there was no permanent damage... it smacked the ground quite hard.

I am incredibly thankful the Pentax is still alive, I would have felt like I lost a friend. (For specificity's sake, it is a Pentax Optio 555, and we nerds can check the tech specs HERE). This thing has been at my side almost constantly for the past 18 months... I feel like it's the tool I use to help explain the way I see the world, because I can't always express myself vocally.

So, this was my post explaining how the masthead of the site is a little different, and how I almost lost my camera in the process. This photo almost came with a price I'd hate to pay.



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