
Where Have You Gone, Peanut Butter Twix?

I feel it is my social and moral responsibility to comment on a disturbing trend I have seen in recent months. If this trend is indicative of the global marketplace as a whole, I feel drastic steps must be taken to reverse this occurrence, and I'm willing to step to the front lines of this battle. I have become aware, upon my trips to various New York City area stores of all varieties, of the sharply declining availability of Peanut Butter Twix.

I used to have a small but reliable network of sources for Peanut Butter Twix around Manhattan. Many neighborhoods boasted a place where even if I didn't know they were available, I was often pleasantly surprised. In recent months, however, these various sources (comprised of all manner of grocery stores, major drug store chains, corner stores, bodegas, newsstands, and haberdasheries) have almost all ceased to offer this champion of the candy lexicon. Just a few of the once key locations for Peanut Butter Twix acquisition that have fallen under the potentially horrifying umbrella of this recent trend are:

-Newsstand, Astor Place 6 station, uptown*

-Walgreens, 14th Street and 4th Avenue, off Union Square East, southeast corner

-Newsstand, 59th Street 6 station, uptown

-Newsstand, 86th Street and Lexington Avenue, northeast corner

-Corner store, Lexington Avenue below 92nd Street

-Duane Reade, 3rd Avenue below 94th Street

-Bodega, 117th Street and Lexington Avenue

[* - site of my near-infamous consumption of no less than four consecutive Peanut Butter Twixes in a span of less than 7 minutes]

In the case of some of these, telltale signs of the decline were present... signs I acknowledged silently but never aloud, for fear of confirming their tragic implications. For instance, in the case of the Lex Ave/92nd Street corner store: their stash of Peanut Butter Twix was always in a single box on the bottom shelf of the candy display, occasionally obscured by other boxes, and the wrappers were almost invariably dusty. Their stock had most likely not been replenished in some time, and the candy itself often tasted bland. In the case of the 117th Street bodega: the candy is housed behind a Plexiglas shield built into the counter, and Peanut Butter Twix were once prominently displayed in the tight candy lineup. One day, I purchased the final bar in the slot, and they have yet to reappear.

It is apparent that many candy retailers, for one reason or another, are ceasing to restock this item. The cause could be decreased demand in the marketplace, but more importantly: who is making that decision? Does it happen at the level of the individual store, or is it determined at the upper echelon of Peanut Butter Twix's parent company, candy goliath M&M Mars? If so, is their decision regionally based? And if so, how do they obtain the information on what regions or localities will offer Peanut Butter Twix?

I have yet to directly pursue answers to this issue, but I plan on contacting someone within the M&M Mars organization. I will most certainly keep the readership of Nothing Terribly Grandiose apprised of information as I receive it, but for now, like many ardent fans of this particular confectionery choice, I am forced to stockpile Peanut Butter Twix when given the opportunity for purchase. Many, if not all, of my once reliable sources have faltered and widespread availability is no longer a reality.

Until a resolution is reached, I shall remain vigilant and hopeful that this issue does not spread to cataclysmic proportions. To my fellow Peanut Butter Twix fans: do not lose faith! With the blessing of unseen and mysterious forces, we shall all emerge from this time of trial.

I love you all.


Never hesitate to comment!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Editor, I have happened upon your blog for the better part of October 2005 and am shocked and awed that this Peanut Butter Twix epidemic is also in NYC. You see, the Philadelphia "'burbs" also has been suffering, so I fear that I must report this is a growing problem and not only associated with NYC markets. However, I too shall not rest until the people who are responsible for this have been thoroughly questioned and their reasons documented. Until then please know that I'm always on duty...let the Case of The Missing Peanut Butter Twix Confections begin!

11/03/2005 12:28 PM  
Blogger JMP said...

Ben, we here at NTG do not take allegations of racism lightly. The last thing we want is to offend our readership. Can you email me with the verification word in question so I can complain to blogger? This will not stand, man. This will not stand.

11/04/2005 9:38 AM  
Blogger JMP said...

Carly: I'll gladly address that when I speak with the M&M Mars people, but I think something else needs to be addressed as well: namely the lack of consostent offering in the dark chocolate candy varieties. For a brief, shining moment around Easter, we are offered dark chocolate Hershey kisses, which rules, but WHY is there not a steady roster of the following: the aforementioned dark chocolate M&Ms in both peanut and plain varieties, dark chocolate Reese's peanut butter cups, and the ultimate decadence, dark chocolate Peanut Butter Twix?! Why are we lovers of dark chocolate shunned so?!

11/04/2005 1:08 PM  

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